Peer Review Process

Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Bisnis Cerdas (SIBC) implements a review process policy as follows:
- The peer review process is when the journal assesses the quality of the manuscript before publication, reviewing it by relevant experts in the field to review and comment on the manuscript received.

- The Peer Review process is essentially a quality control mechanism where experts evaluate the manuscript to ensure the quality of the published manuscript. However, the best partner does not decide to accept or reject the article but provides a recommended decision. The decision-making authority in journals rests with the journal editor or editorial board. This process aims to help the editors determine whether a manuscript is worthy of publication in the Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Bisnis Cerdas (SIBC). 

Peer Review Steps:

The manuscript sent by the author will go through a review process by the editor, especially checking the manuscript's suitability with the scope, grammar, and conformity with the Journal template. In this process, the editor will establish communication with the author so that the manuscript is worth sending to the Reviewer or even returned/declined.

The Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Bisnis Cerdas (SIBC) journal editor team determines reviewers. The substance review process involves at least one double-blind peer review reviewer. Reviewers do not know the author's identity, and the author also does not know the reviewer's identity. If there are conflicting reviewer decisions, additional reviewers will be allocated to provide judgment.

The review will consider novelty, objectivity, methods, scientific impact, conclusions, and references.

Reviewers can request a re-review after the author has revised the article. The decision whether or not to accept the article is the editorial team's authority based on the reviewers' recommendations.

The decision of the editorial team is final.

The editorial team will protect the confidentiality of all submitted materials and all communications with reviewers.